Hi friends! Welcome back! You guys are probably going to roll your eyes at what you're about to read but it's important for me to be honest, no matter how crazy I might sound. If you've been an avid reader of my blog, then you know how much I love fall/winter outfits. I spend all summer complaining about how I'm ready for fall. I just feel like there's so much more variety in outfit choices when you're able to layer up. So much more room to be creative with your looks. Here comes the part where you roll your eyes. I'm ready for the spring now. Hear me out. I will always favor fall/winter outfits over spring/summer because, as I mentioned above, I LOVE layering more than anything. The problem is, it's no longer "cute cold." It's "cold, cold." What is "cute cold" you ask? It's when it's just cold enough to wear a nice coat with some layers underneath (maybe a hat) without feeling like you're going to freeze to death. "Cold, cold" is when it's nearly impossible to stay warm and look cute at the same time so you end up having to risk catching pneumonia just for the sake of being stylish. So yes, I am ready for spring because spring is basically like fall, just a little more colorful.
A good example of the above rant is this week's look. I have to admit that because of these frigid temperatures, I am getting to a point where I have no idea what to wear anymore. Is it trench coat/hoodie weather? No, it is not. Did I want to cry because my ears felt like they were going to break off if I touched them during this shoot? Definitely. I spent a week trying to come up with a cute winter look but my brain has just completely shut itself off to that idea so instead I ended up wearing what looks like a transitional spring look. Not mad about it, but it did make me realize that I am 100% ready for some slightly warmer temps. I'm not asking for shorts weather just yet, but being comfortable outside in lighter jackets again sounds really nice. All outfit details are listed below! Until next time, tootles sugar plums! Xoxo.
Outfit Deetz:
Trench Coat: Topshop (this one is from last year. Here is a very similar option)
Hoodie: Zara (stole this one from my bf. Here is a similar option)
Jeans: Levi's
Hat: Moma Design Store
Boots: Zara (sold out but here is a similar pair)
Purse: Mango