Hi friends! Welcome back! I know I already wrote about this recently so I apologize if I sound like a broken record, but I have no idea what to wear anymore. I feel like us fashion girls (and probably everyone else too) go through this phase twice a year. Once during the transition from summer to fall and then especially during the winter to spring transition. The winter to spring transition is tougher in my opinion because there's a much longer window of time between the super cold temps and the warmer temps. It's almost March now so I am sure we are all beyond ready for some warmer weather so we can ditch the big coats and winter accessories. Our brains are all in spring mode, but we also know that the cold weather is here to stay for a little longer which is a major bummer. Stores are starting to role out their spring styles and I'm desperately trying to fight the urge to buy it all because I know I won't be able to wear any of it for a couple more months. My last few posts have been taken in extremely freezing temps sans coat because I've decided I'm over it. Maybe if I manifest warmer weather it'll happen faster.
So the title of this post comes from my newfound baseball cap obsession. Most times when a girl wears a baseball cap, it's to hide a bad hair day. Who would have thought it could actually elevate your outfit instead. I recently went on a cap buying binge and legit bought about 4 of them in the span of one month. You can basically throw them on with any look and somehow the outfit ends up looking so much better. I imagine showing up to my future kid’s soccer/baseball/basketball game wearing an outfit like this feeling fabulous and getting jealous side eyes from judgey moms who think I’m too extra. *insert proud face emoji*. Yes, it was unbearably cold this day. I am not kidding when I say I am manifesting warmer weather even if I have to torture myself for it. Anyway, all outfit details are listed below! Until next time, tootles sugar plums! Xoxo
Outfit Deetz:
Leather Blazer: Zara (sold out but this is basically the same exact one)
Turtleneck: Mango (super old. Here is a similar option)
Jeans: Madewell
Sneakers: Nike
Baseball Cap: Hatstoreworld
Purse: Mango
Necklace: Mango (sold out. Here is a similar option)
Sunglasses: Amazon