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Orange Creamsicle


Hi friends! Welcome back! I feel like, in the fashion world, every year there's a color or two that's majorly trending, which makes everyone forget about all of the other beautiful colors they love to wear. I always end up feeling like any color other than the ones that are trending are considered "out of style." Well I'm here to tell you that's a lie. If there's a color you love to wear, wear it. More people need to be praised for their individuality when it comes to personal style. It's easy to follow what everyone else is doing, it's more difficult to have the courage to stand apart and follow your own gut. My favorite content creators are the ones who aren't afraid to try new things or wear something they love even if everyone else is telling them it's "out." You know what's never out? Self confidence and originality.

For example, I bought this orange sweater last year and it has been one of my favorite sweaters ever since. I couldn't wait until it got cold again so I could wear it. Then, winter came and I didn't see anyone else wearing orange so, against my better judgement, I left this beauty in my closet, untouched. Now that we're heading into spring, I realized how ridiculous it was that I really let the entire winter go by without wearing something I love just because it wasn't butter yellow or red. So, I finally pulled her out and styled her with my new favorite jeans to create a bright, fun spring look. I felt like a human orange creamsicle and loved that for me. I'm honestly kicking myself for letting the pressures of social media interfere with my personal style, which I love. *Note to self (and to you guys): always, always, ALWAYS stay true to yourself and what you love, even if it's as silly as what color you want to wear.

**All outfit details are listed below. Until next time, tootles sugar plums! Xoxo.

Outfit Deets:

Sweater: Luna B

Jeans: Levi's

Shoes: H&M (sold out. Similar here, here & here)

Bag: Mango (a few years old. Similar here, here & here)

Sunnies: Ray-Ban

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