Hi friends! Welcome back! It was the most beautiful day this past Sunday in New Jersey. It was around 65 degrees and sunny and if I wasn't ready for spring before, I certainly am now. We're at that time of year when we get a roller coaster of weather before we officially get to the warmer temperatures, but I'm fine with that because it means we're on our way!
I've been really into yellow lately, specifically, this gorgeous butter yellow shade that has been popping up everywhere. I purchased this sweatshirt from Gap recently and was waiting for the perfect spring day to wear it along with my new Levi's. I'm mostly a blue denim girl, but I've been seeing and loving this ecru wash on so many creators so I decided to try it out for myself. I'm obsessed! I normally stay away from white jeans because I have such a hard time keeping them white so it seems like a waste of money for me, but these are more of a cream/dirty white shade. I'm hoping it will be a lot easier for me to keep these clean since they're already naturally a bit dirty looking, if that makes sense. I finished off this look with a pair of yellow socks and cream loafers. Also, just fyi, if you're looking for a simple, super soft sweatshirt to dress up or down, I cannot recommend Gap enough. All outfit details are listed below. Until next time, tootles sugar plums! Xoxo.
Outfit Deets:
Jeans: Levi's
Shoes: Splendid
Socks: Amazon
Sunnies: Ray-Ban