Hiiii friends! Happy New Year!! I know I’ve been a bit MIA but I am back to my regularly scheduled postings. Life has been crazy (in the best way) the past few weeks. Jason and I have…drumroll please...moved in together!! This was a life changing step for me because I had been living at home with my mom, who is more like my best friend/sister, my entire life. I lived on campus in college but I was only 30 mins away and I went home every other weekend (literally), so that doesn't really count. As scary as it is to be away from what has made me the most comfortable my entire life, I couldn't be more obsessed with our new home and I'm beyond excited for this next chapter of life with my love!
We moved in the week before Christmas, so I'm sure you can imagine the stress and anxiety I was feeling especially considering we hadn't gotten any gifts yet at that point. Between getting our place set up, shopping for our families, and countless holiday parties, we've barely had a minute to breathe since the day we moved in. Does anyone else feel like this holiday season was 3 months long? Sheesh, ya girl is exhausted! Anyway, we are finally all settled in now and ready for all the magic that 2020 has in store for us!
The pics above are from our second week as a live-in couple. Is "live-in couple" a thing that people say or did I just make that up? In addition to doing some Christmas shopping, we decided to try out an estate sale to see if we could find any fun items for our apt. We didn't find too much the first time, but we did pick up one or two cool random pieces. We'll definitely be going to more of them in the future! I'm still trying to figure out when I became a full blown adult but it's here and there's no going back so I am fully embracing it. All outfit details (or similar) will be linked below as always! See you peaches next week!! Xoxo
Outfit Deetz:
Coat: H&M (similar coat here)
Sweater: H&M
Jeans: Zara (similar jeans here)
Boots: Steve Madden
Purse: Louis Vuitton