Hi friends! Welcome back! Yes, those are shorts you see. I know it's only April but it was 70 degrees this day and my legs told me they were ready to be out so I listened. When I told you guys I would be wearing a lot of color this spring/summer, I'm realizing I really only meant pink. I might experiment with other fun colors too, but probably not. I know this trend won't last very long and then I'll be left with a random purple blazer that will just sit in my closet for years until the trend comes back or I decide to sell/donate it. It just seems silly to me. Pink isn't necessarily for everyone but I do feel like it's a color that never really goes out of style. As I mentioned a couple posts ago, I have always been in love with the color pink which is dangerous for me because I find myself wanting to purchase every single item I see in this color. Did I need a pink denim overshirt? Not at all. Did I convince myself to buy it anyway because "it will go so well with so many different looks?" Yes, I sure did.
Needless to say, as soon as this shacket came in, I immediately started thinking of a look for its debut and this is what I decided on. I thought cherry blossoms would be a cute background for this outfit and thankfully cherry blossoms are all over where we live so it wasn't hard to find a couple cute locations to shoot some photos. I went with my go-to "soccer mom chic" vibe and honestly, this is one of my favorite spring looks to date! Definitely do not regret this purchase at all; on the contrary, I'm pretty obsessed with it. Stay tuned for more outfits featuring pink items that I 100% did not need to buy, but bought anyway because why not? I should make this a series. Anyway, all outfit details are listed below. Until next time, tootles sugar plums! Xoxo
Outfit Deetz:
Overshirt: Zara
Bodysuit: Zara (sold out. Here is a similar option)
Shorts: Levi's
Sneakers: Amazon
Belt Bag: Mango (currently sold out but you can sign up for the restock)
Baseball Cap: Amazon
Sunnies: Quay Australia (old but here is an identical pair)