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Can You Please Spell Gabbana?


Hiya babes! I hope everyone is having a great start to the week! Does anyone else feel like we jumped from summer right into winter? I'm weird and I like the cold so no complaints here, but I also wasn't quite prepared for the weather to jump from 70 degrees to 25 in the matter of what seemed like 3 days.

I recently bought these pants with the intention of wearing it with cropped sweaters, bodysuits and fitted turtlenecks. When I showed them to Jason he had the idea of wearing them with a t-shirt. Who taught him how to style outfits *smirks*? I decided to combine both of our ideas and layer a t-shirt over a turtleneck since it was super cold and I needed the layers anyway. I chose my favorite Devil Wears Prada tee and paired it with a ruffled turtleneck. I love how it turned out!

Side note: earlier this day I went to the bridal shop to get measured for my bridesmaids dress and didn't take into consideration how many layers I would have to take off; an minor inconvenience but a small price to pay for the sake of fashion. Ya feel me ladies? All outfit details are listed below as always. Tootles!!

Outfit Deetz:

T-shirt: Zara (sold out but I found the exact same shirt here!)

Turtleneck: H&M (similar option here)

Boots: Zara

Purse: Chloe

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