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Blazin' Through The Weekend


Happy blog day everyone! I am back with another rambling about my weekend festivities and what I wore. Last weekend was a super crazy one! Jason and I had 4 apartment viewings and a wedding on Friday, a 5th apartment viewing and a friendsgiving on Saturday, and then another apartment viewing on Sunday. We had a blast doing all of it but boy am I exhausted! My head is still spinning from all the excitement, not only because of this whirlwind of a weekend but also because of this blazer. Let's talk about it.

First of all, I need to say that there is no such thing as too many blazers. However, my love for checkered blazers has gotten a bit out of hand. I am at a point where I have about 4 blazers/coats that look exactly the same. I had to convince Jason that this blazer was different because of the fringe. Is there a support group I can join for this addiction? Anyway, last week I was doing my daily online window shopping and made my way onto Mango's website where I found this blazer. Mango had a one day 30% off sale, so I took that as a sign that this purchase had to happen. I do not regret it. This beauty is even more gorgeous in person and was worth every penny! I paired it with my go-to Madewell jeans and a turtleneck because duh! The blazer, turtleneck & jeans combo is a foolproof stylish look that works for so many different occasions/events. Some call it predictable, I call it perfection. You can create this look over and over and it never gets old. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise. All direct links (or similar links) are listed below. See you next week!! xoxo

Outfit Deetz:

Blazer: Mango

Turtleneck: Zara

Jeans: Madewell

Belt: No idea where I got this from but here is a similar option. (I have like 80 belts and can probably only tell you where 2 of them came from lol)

Shoes: Trotters

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