Hi lovies! Welcome back! I am super excited about today's post. I have been dying to wear these boots since I bought them almost 2 months ago. Knee/thigh high boots have always been a struggle for me because my calves are pretty much nonexistent. Having your legs flopping around in a pair of boots that are clearly too wide is not a good look so when I find a pair that I love and actually fits my calves perfectly, I have no choice but to get them. I don't make the rules. I was on the hunt for knee high black leather boots that will last me for years to come and these are it. I've been seeing a lot of influencers pulling out their knee highs but I just didn't feel quite ready yet. I like to be as realistic as possible about my outfit choices as I can. Realistically, I wouldn't wear knee high boots in 65-70 degree weather so I was saving these for a colder day. Of course the day I decided to wear them it was 70 degrees anyway so any logic I thought I had went right out the window. Thankfully it was a cloudy, cooler 70 degrees so it still worked out.
When I went on my "dream knee high boots" journey I had a few criteria in mind that they needed to have. First and most importantly, they had to be flattering on my baby calves. Second, I like my boots with a bit of a heel but I also want to be able to walk in them all day so let's say 1-2.5 inches. A kitten heel is perfect. Lastly, I wanted a kind of slouchy, but sturdy leather that would hold its shape even if I decided to wear them with a skirt or dress (slim chance, but you never know). When I laid my eyes on these boots, they checked all the boxes so I decided to make the very necessary splurge. Best decision ever. I styled them with a simple all black look for the twins first day out (yes, the twins are the boots) and I love how it turned out. All outfit details (or similar) are listed below. Until next time, tootles sugar plums! Xoxo.
Outfit Deetz:
Jacket: Zara ( fyi* size up 2-3 sizes if you want to be able to layer underneath. I'm usually a small in jackets and I got a large in this)
Hoodie: Asos (it comes as a set but I'm just wearing the hoodie part here)
Jeans: Topshop
Boots: Schutz (sold out in the solid black but here it is in a gorgeous black croc print and here is a higher heeled version)
Sunglasses: Amazon