Hi friends! Welcome back! That’s right. Your girl has officially said goodbye to her 20’s. Yesterday was my 30th birthday and I have so many feelings, way more than I can put into words. I think the best, and simplest way to describe how I feel about entering this new decade is bittersweet. Everyone tells you that your 20’s are the best years of your life and that everything goes downhill after that. I say speak for yourself. I’ve spent the last 10 years being terrified of turning 30 and now that it’s here I’m feeling better than ever! I realized that every year until now has been filled with uncertainty about who I am and what I want out of life, feeling insecure & uncomfortable in my own skin, going through life being who I thought I was supposed to be/who the people in my life expected me to be. Now, in my third decade, I say screw that! I’m turning over a new leaf by being unapologetically myself at all times. I am no longer allowing anyone to make me feel like I’m anything but the awesome, kindhearted person that I am. This is 30!
Okay, enough of that. Let’s talk about this look now. Can you guys even believe it? I am wearing a dress! A full blown dress. Your eyes are not deceiving you. Honestly, I really just am not a fan of how I look in most dresses which is why I don’t wear them very often. Part of me entering this new chapter of life means learning to feel confident wearing certain items that I don’t necessarily feel comfortable in. When I saw this dress something about it spoke to me so I ordered it without expecting much. When I tried it on I couldn’t believe how cute it looked. I had nowhere to wear it to at the time but when I was thinking about my birthday outfit I figured this would be perfect and it was! I styled it with a pair of nude strappy heeled sandals and my new favorite little purse (a birthday gift from my love) and I felt like the belle of the ball! All outfit details are listed below as always. Until next time, tootles sugar plums! Xoxo
Outfit Deetz:
Dress: Zara
Sandals: Abercrombie (these are sold out but here is a similar pair)
Purse: By Far
Sunnies: Mango (sold out, but here is a similar pair)